Sunday 10 April 2011

Week 6 (chosen blog)

I think it has stemmed from having a mother who is an unsympathetic ER nurse. She often said to me “I don’t care if you aren’t bleeding to death”. Therefore, I found it difficult to relate new media health as this weeks topic of study. I am aware that obviously the internet is easier, cheaper and faster than a trip to your real doctor. And in the case of hypercondirac's, they are able to google the rare diseases they think they have instead of clogging up emergency rooms.

 However, I must be in the minority when I say I just don’t trust the internet. Call me old fashioned but when it comes to my health I put my faith in the hands of someone I know slogged it out at 5 years of medical school, not an anonymous individual online.

However in terms of new media and well-being, I will be frank, I am a closet Googler of fad diets, fat burning berries, age suppressing wonder grains and DIY beauty treatments. I trust the internet with research regarding my own vanity. I trust forum participants who tell me olive oil is good for split ends. I trust yoga instruction videos on

I do not trust the internet however with matters of health, I maintain that it is best left to professionals. No matter how over-priced, inconvenient and running behind schedule they are.

For some more thoughts on this visit the bagatelle.


·       Lewis, T. (2006). Seeking health information on the internet: lifestyle choice or bad attack of cyberchondria? Media, Culture & Society, volume 28, issue 4: 521-539. Available on CMD.


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